Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Next week is the holiday called Diwali (the "W" is not a "w" or a "v", it is a hybrid of both. Try to pronounce it, it'll be fun). The only thing I know about it is it is when a god is supposed to come to their homes, and they light candles for the god to find the way. Over the years, things have gotten bigger. The started building camp-fires in front of their houses, then bonfires in the streets, and after a while they have retorted to fireworks. Now it is THE firework holiday of the year. Even a week before, I cannot sleep at night because of the explosions outside my window.

So, not to be left out, we decided to join in. We set off some a few days prior, (so we are not celebrating that holiday, we are just having fun) and I must say that the types of fireworks you can find here, you would need a licence to acquire in the states. Observe in the picture, does this look like $30 worth of fireworks? Well... it is. And yes we still have all of our limbs and eyebrows, despite the larger tube throwing shrapnel 30 feet away.


B Chapman said...

Hey enjoy the fire works. They sent fire works off all the time in my city. When I first heard them I did not realize what was going on and I thought there were machine guns going off! I am glad you made it through you night of fun with no injuries.

SouthAsiaRocks said...

We're excited about tonight (Diwali)... I love setting off crackers with our friends here...we made a cool rangoli today too :) (I'll have pics on my blog tomorrow) Hope you have a blast!!! (pun intended) ;)

CaroDonehew said...

oh man... fireworks... oi... this ould be potentially problematic... ooh! a new box of mischeif... this could be fun...

Tammy said...

BE CAREFUL! but have fun while you are doing that! LOL This is Fred and Tammy from on the other side of the pond! Just wanted to say Hey! Eat some Butter Naan for me!